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Principal's Message 


July 1, 2023


Dear GAON Families and Community Members,


I am excited for the start of the 2023-2024 school year as the new principal of the GAON Academy!


My educational philosophy can be summarized in this King Solomon quote, “Educate the child according to their way, so that even in their old age, they will not turn away from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) And this is what GAON Academy (GA) is all about; we are dedicated to an individualized learning experience for all.  I am proud to join our team of dedicated faculty, staff, parents, and board members whose contributions have brought GA to where it is today. Together, let us continue to grow our school community and expand our cornucopia of innovative programs. 


I am a native Angeleno and the mother of two twenty-something sons, with a BA degree from UCLA and an MA degree in Education from Pepperdine University. I have spent over twenty years in public education and Jewish private education, as a classroom teacher and administrator. I am passionate about providing personalized support for students’ academic, social, and emotional success, so that all may achieve their goals. 


The GA team is committed to ensuring that our children receive a balanced general and Jewish education. I look forward to meeting with parents and community members.  Together, let us enjoy an academically challenging and socially fulfilling year ahead. 




Ruth Morris

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